We Heart LA

Rush49’s Holiday Mixer – An Entrepreneurial expreience

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When Rush49 throws an event, we go all out!!!

Our founder, Kumar, is an Alumni at LMU and had the grand idea to throw a holiday mixer, bring in all the LMU alumni in his class and get together to share great ideas about business.

The event was also open to entrepreneurs in the LA area.  The idea was that everyone would have some new faces to meet and discuss business ideas and start-ups!

It was an event where you could have a discussion or pitch an idea and get honest feedback regarding your idea.

Ideas were discussed and friendships were formed.

If you missed the last event, don’t worry!!!

There will be more events in the new year.  We will be inviting people soon so get ready to come bearing your brain and ready to discuss some new ideas regarding how a business could run or just different ideas you may have.

To be invited to the next event, simply become a friend of ours on Facebook. We will be posting more events in the new year and hope to see you there.

Run off to Zihuatanejo…..

Remember in the Shawshank Redemption when Andy tells Red that he would go to v because it was  “a warm place with no memory”?
Well now you too can enjoy the splendor that is this Mexican beach community.
Travel to Playa Viva and enjoy A 3-night Studio stay at a Sustainable Boutique Beach Resort.

Why should you go to Zihuatanejo?  Below are just a few reasons to head south of the border.

Authentic cultural experience with local community
Activities like 4×4 rides to coffee plantation and waterfall
A cooking class on authentic recipes puts you in touch with your inner chef.
Authentic cultural experience with local community
This eco-friendly resort invites you to live in the lap of beachfront luxury guilt-free
Playa Viva is committed to sustainability without sacrificing world-class fun and flavors.
Snorkeling with sea turtles.
With your stay, You’ll also get…
Airport Ground Transportation (to and from airport and hotel)
All meals, snacks, and non-alcoholic Beverages
Daily Yoga (except Sundays)
Wi-Fi in Common Area
So what are you waiting for…book this trip now.

Go here for a beautiful 3 night stay for only $495

We heart Memorial Day Weekend

Hopefully by the time you read this, all you lucky people are enjoying your 3, 4 or even 6 day weekend (yep, it happens)

What are you going to do during this long Memorial Day Weekend?  Go out with friends?  Find something new to do?  Stay in and BBQ? (our favorite idea)

We think that you should take some time out this weekend to observe what Memorial Day is for.  Show some respect for any soldier that you might come upon…and if you have some time, visit a war memorial and pay your respects.

You can find a list of memorials here.  There are tons around Los Angeles so there should be one close to you.

Enjoy your weekend, have fun….observe accordingly, and as always, be careful if you drink.

We heart likes

Rush49 has been up and running since February.  We offer some of the most awesome deals that Los Angeles has to offer.  but we are not just a website  We have Iphone and Android apps and a and a network of affiliates all over LA.  But did you also know that we also have a Facebook page?

Yep!!!  And the easiest way to get first dibs on all the new deals is to “like” our page.  do that here

We plan on doing some awesome contests and give a ways in the near future, so like our page and be first on the scene when the free stuff starts flowing!!!

We heart YOU!!! Thank you

Yes L.A., we heart you…the great people that make the city of Los Angeles and the surrounding areas the best place to call home.

The great masses that share our FB posts, come to the site and simply love great deals.  We really do heart you.

We would love to individually thank you all, but in reality, that would take all day.  So instead…We here at Rush49 simple raise our glass in a toast to all the friends, family and customers that make  Rush49 the business it is.  A great one to be a part of.

Summer is here!!  Who will you be getting your deals from?

We heart Earth Day!!

It’s Monday!!!  The day after Earth Day and we all hard at work here bringing you the best deals we can find from all around Los Angeles,

So the big question is…How did you spend your weekend?

Our fearless leader, Kumar, spent the weekend on a raw cleanse.  He said it made him feel very energetic, less bloated and just generally in a better mood.  He believes doing this lessened his carbon footprint and reliance on processed foods which hinder the body and the planet.

Matt, spend the weekend taking short walks here and there.  Saturday was spent helping a friend move and Sunday was spent at the local farmers market buying locally grown organics.

We do out part to help save the earth and bring you the best LA has to offer.

Like us on Facebook

We heart Dherbs

Rush49 has a new healthy deal, and we think its awesome!!  But what about the store behind the deal?  Dherbs, located in Culver city has a website where you can find everything health related.  Visit them online here and you can start your journey to a healthier, more fit person.

The online store is a healthipedia of information on everything from love and relationships to meditation and cleanses.  It’s a laid out in a neat array of links on the side.  There is an articles section that will tell you everything you need to know about what ails you.

The online store itself is a great place to peruse as it has everything spiritual and health related.  We recommend taking some time to read all the information about the products, and some of the articles as well.

We’re happy to have Dherbs on board and hope they will stay for a long time.

Check out Dherbs first Rush49 deal here.  We think it’ll help you get ready for summer in no time!!

We heart digital Tupac at Coachella

I was surfing the internet last night and I kept noticing still frames from Star Wars being posted.  The image where R2D2 gets knocked around and shows a hologram of Princess Lea.  But instead of Lea, it was just a random figure with his arms up.  It took me a while (and a few questions) to figure out….It was Tupac!!!  in hologram form!!!

He materialized during Snoop Dogg and Dr Dre’s set and then vanished just the same.

The amount of time and effort that went into bringing a long gone singer back is astronomical.

If you haven’t seen it.   Look at the video