
We heart likes

Rush49 has been up and running since February.  We offer some of the most awesome deals that Los Angeles has to offer.  but we are not just a website  We have Iphone and Android apps and a and a network of affiliates all over LA.  But did you also know that we also have a Facebook page?

Yep!!!  And the easiest way to get first dibs on all the new deals is to “like” our page.  do that here

We plan on doing some awesome contests and give a ways in the near future, so like our page and be first on the scene when the free stuff starts flowing!!!

Tag us and get free food from Allston Yacht Club

That’s right.  Its our way of giving back to you guys.  If you haven’t added us on FB yet, do so here.

We want to see and be tagged in your pictures of food.  Yum!!!

The best picture will get a deal to the Allston Yacht Club.  Yep, $40 worth of free food (and wine) just for tagging us in your picture.  The contest will run untill 5:30 P.M. on Thursday April 19th and we will announce the winner on Friday.

Get ready to tag….but this time you’ll be it.