
Rush49’s Holiday Mixer – An Entrepreneurial expreience

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When Rush49 throws an event, we go all out!!!

Our founder, Kumar, is an Alumni at LMU and had the grand idea to throw a holiday mixer, bring in all the LMU alumni in his class and get together to share great ideas about business.

The event was also open to entrepreneurs in the LA area.  The idea was that everyone would have some new faces to meet and discuss business ideas and start-ups!

It was an event where you could have a discussion or pitch an idea and get honest feedback regarding your idea.

Ideas were discussed and friendships were formed.

If you missed the last event, don’t worry!!!

There will be more events in the new year.  We will be inviting people soon so get ready to come bearing your brain and ready to discuss some new ideas regarding how a business could run or just different ideas you may have.

To be invited to the next event, simply become a friend of ours on Facebook. We will be posting more events in the new year and hope to see you there.

Spend 3 days in Vegas and be treated like royalty.

Very rarely does it occur that you leave Las Vegas with the same big smile that you went there with. We’ve all done it, got to Vegas, all excited on a Friday night for the weekend ahead.

Then…BAM!!  Sunday comes and you feel like you didn’t get anywhere you wanted during the weekend.  Your left at Denny’s eating a steak for $7.99.  You never got into any clubs and further more, no cabs even stopped for you.  Is that a way to spend your 3 day vacation in Vegas?  We think not.

What if you could leave Vegas happy though?  Would you do it? If you were given such an awesome deal that immediately made you smile…would you?  Of course you would.
That is where we come in.  Rush49 and have teamed up to offer a great deal on a stay in Vegas.  a 3 day / 2 night stay to be exact, along with other great amenities that will make you swoon like a school girl. We know you’ll smile while your soaking in the sun, enjoying pool parties, shows, delectable food, tours and even a limo ride.

So now you are asking “How much will this cost me and what exactly will I get?”

To which I will say to you “Calm down, I’m getting there”

This whole deal, which include 3 days, 2 nights at a Las Vegas resort, 2 Show Ticket, admission for 2 to 2 night clubs, admission for 2 to 2 pool parties and much more…Costs only $59.  I’ll wait for you to continue breathing.

You can check out the deal itself and all the amenities here

Check it out, then go to Vegas and enjoy the royal treatment.  It will be a weekend to remember.

Wish Rush49, we’ll get you behind the velvet rope.

Tag us and get free food from Allston Yacht Club

That’s right.  Its our way of giving back to you guys.  If you haven’t added us on FB yet, do so here.

We want to see and be tagged in your pictures of food.  Yum!!!

The best picture will get a deal to the Allston Yacht Club.  Yep, $40 worth of free food (and wine) just for tagging us in your picture.  The contest will run untill 5:30 P.M. on Thursday April 19th and we will announce the winner on Friday.

Get ready to tag….but this time you’ll be it.